December 22, 2024 10:15am
Address: Roseau Evangelical Covenant Church, 1717 3rd St. NE, Roseau, MN US 56751
Contact: Nate JohnsonNate Johnson | 218-463-3420 | 218-251-2005
Join us for a fun, family-oriented Candle-lit Christmas service. Gather to hear the story of Jesus' birth, and enjoy special music, an instrumental ensemble, a message from Pastor Nate, and Christmas Carols. We will also have a petting zoo and free-will donation coffee/cocoa bar before and after the service! Invite friends and family to this special event!
There will be no Children's Church this day as the service is geared toward kids. There will not be a staffed nursery, but the nursery is open for any parents who need to use it.